<% Function tag_getResult(Expression) Dim i Dim j Dim arr_stack(10) Dim str_tag Dim str_temp j = 0 For i = 1 To Len(Expression) str_tag = Mid(Expression, i, 2) If str_tag = "<#" Then j = j + 1 i = i + 1 ElseIf str_tag = "#>" Then j = j - 1 If DefaultFunction <> "" And InStr(1, arr_stack(j + 1), ".") = 0 Then str_temp = DefaultFunction & "." & arr_stack(j + 1) Else str_temp = arr_stack(j + 1) End If arr_stack(j) = arr_stack(j) & tag_replace(str_temp) arr_stack(j + 1) = "" i = i + 1 Else arr_stack(j) = arr_stack(j) & Left(str_tag, 1) End If Next tag_getResult = arr_stack(0) End Function Function tag_replace(sParameter) Dim iDotPosition, iTemp, i, intStart Dim sFunctionName, DV, str_temp iDotPosition = InStr(1, sParameter, ".", 1) If iDotPosition > 0 Then sFunctionName = Mid(sParameter, 1, iDotPosition - 1) sParameter = Mid(sParameter, iDotPosition + 1) Else sFunctionName = sParameter End If Select Case UCase(sFunctionName) Case "SESSION" tag_replace = Session(sParameter) End Select End Function %>