<%@ Page Language="C#" %> <%@ Import Namespace ="eMIS" %> <%@ Import Namespace ="System.Data.Common" %> <% string proid = Request.QueryString["proid"].ToString(); string recid = Request.QueryString["recid"].ToString(); //记录ID string defid = Request.QueryString["defid"].ToString(); //COM_ASPSJGL_DY.ID string defaultFunction = (Request.QueryString["f"] == null ? "" : Request.QueryString["f"].ToString()); InstanceManager instance = new InstanceManager(Context,proid); string[] printDefinitionArray = new string[2]; printDefinitionArray[0] = instance.RecPrint; printDefinitionArray[1] = instance.LisPrint; int printType; string s; if (recid == "") printType = 1; else printType = 0; s = instance.Program.Properties["GLBJDYCXID"].ToString(); if ( s!= "") proid = s; bool b = true; string definitionId; int i; string str_script = ""; string str_template = ""; DbDataReader reader = null; for (i = 0;i<2;i++) { if (defid == "") definitionId = getDefinitionId(printDefinitionArray[printType]); else definitionId = defid; if (definitionId != "") { reader = instance.SystemDbOperator.ExecuteReader("select JB,NR from COM_ASPSJGL_DY where ID=" + definitionId); if(reader.Read()) { str_script = reader[0].ToString(); str_template = reader[1].ToString(); break; } else { printType = Math.Abs(printType -1); } reader.Close(); } } if (printType == 0 && recid == "") { Response.Write("只定义了但记录打印,请选择一条记录!"); Response.End(); } string prnfor = printDefinitionArray[printType]; //'多记录打印格式 int j = 0; string str_old; string str_new; string glid; string xml; string condition; while(true) { i = str_script.IndexOf("",j); if(i==-1) break; j = str_script.IndexOf("",i); str_old = str_script.Substring(i + 9, j - 9 - i); if (str_old.Substring(str_old.Length-1) == "0") str_new = "print_MasterDataXML.asp?proname=" + str_old.Substring(0,str_old.Length-1) + "&recid=" + recid; else { glid = str_old.Substring(0,str_old.Length-1); if (recid != "") { //if obj is nothing then // set obj = server.CreateObject("emMain" & ver & ".PageControls") // set obj.aco = aco // obj.Init recid,0,1 //end if reader = instance.SystemDbOperator.ExecuteReader("select GLTJ,XML from COM_ASPSJGL_GLCX where cxid=" + proid + " and glcxid=" + glid); if(reader.Read()) { xml = reader[1].ToString(); s = reader[0].ToString().Replace("SignColumn","ID"); s = s.Replace("&readonly=true",""); condition = instance.Tag.ReplaceExpression(s,"colval"); if (condition != "") condition = StringHelper.GetXmlValue(xml,"外键") + "='" + reader[StringHelper.GetXmlValue(xml,"主键")].ToString() + "'" + " and " + condition; else condition = StringHelper.GetXmlValue(xml,"外键") + "='" + reader[StringHelper.GetXmlValue(xml,"主键")].ToString() + "'"; glid += "&con=" + Server.UrlEncode(condition); } reader.Close(); } str_new = "print_DetailDataXML.asp?proname=" + glid; } str_script = str_script.Replace(str_old, str_new); } string wwwroot = Request.ApplicationPath; str_template = str_template.Replace("0","1"); string ChinaExcel_Version = "CODEBASE='" + wwwroot + "/App_Web/downloads/chinaexcelweb.cab#version=3,7,4'"; %> <%=instance.Program.Properties["bt"].ToString()%> - 打印 <% Response.Write("
"); Response.Write("
"); Response.Write(""); string t; string v; string[] arr = prnfor.Split(','); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write(""); Response.Write("
|"); Response.Write("
|"); Response.Write("
|"); Response.Write("
|"); Response.Write("
|"); Response.Write("
"); %>
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